Hybrid Cloud

The power and convenience of on-premise AND cloud-based servers

 Hybrid Cloud

We offer tailored hybrid cloud configurations that allow you to leverage the advantages of cloud workflow, yet still have the resilience of onsite infrastructure for core functions and applications within your local IT environment.

You’ve Got Good Reasons for Wanting to Keep Some On-site Infrastructure

  • Does your organisation want to take advantage of what modern Cloud Computing environments have to offer but has legacy applications or databases that require some of your on-premise resources to remain in place?
  • Perhaps you would like to retain local storage and compute for real-time application function or data processing, yet you’d still like to take advantage of the cost savings and resilience of the cloud environment.
  • Concerned about the security of putting all your data and workflow into the cloud and want some on-site infrastructure for peace of mind?

We understand, and we’ve got you covered.

Why a Hybrid Cloud Environment?

Depending on your business processes, hybrid cloud strategies can give you the best of both worlds – the flexibility and cost-effective scalability of an off-site cloud PLUS the granular control and low latency of an on-site cloud server. 

The NEXUS Hybrid Cloud Difference

Utilising a combination of our SD-WAN, co-location and on-premise solutions Nexus can offer a seamless managed hybrid cloud environment that can potentially span the state, country, or the world. Our team of hybrid cloud specialists work with you, your in-house technicians, and your key stakeholders to build out a comprehensive cloud strategy that will meet your current needs while allowing flexibility for your next business steps.

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Ready to explore the Nexus Hybrid Cloud options? We’d be happy to have a no-obligation conversation with you. Just reach out by phone or email to book a talk with one of our team.