Equipment Co-location

Reduce Your Complexity while Increasing Your Capabilities

 Equipment Co-location

When businesses like yours need a secure, well-maintained, offsite location for their servers or other computing resources, they often choose the NEXUS Equipment Co-location solution. By putting your hardware in a NEXUS facility, you are able to achieve your business flexibility goals without sacrificing security or cost effectiveness in the process.

What’s the Difference Between Nexus Equipment Co-location Service and a Data Center?

  • A data center hosts your applications, IT infrastructure, computing, and databases on their servers. In contrast, a co-location service hosts your servers and other hardware within their maintained facility.
  • This setup gives you the confidence of having your data on your own equipment rather than having it hosted in a public cloud scenario.

Why Do Companies Use a Co-location Strategy?

  • More bandwidth
  • Room to grow
  • Easy scalability
  • Predictable uptime
  • Cost efficiencies
  • Backup and disaster recovery
  • Business continuity

What is the Right Co-location Strategy?

Knowing what you want to accomplish with a co-location strategy is the first step toward getting that game plan right for your business. Although there are a lot of wrong answers when it comes to co-location, the right answers are unique to each individual business. The NEXUS team can help you work through the available scenarios to determine which will be most beneficial for your organisation.

Co-location: What are the key factors to consider?

  • Location
  • Redundancy
  • Rack space real estate
  • Cost
  • Support
  • Security

Minimise Complexity, Maximise Value

Together with out own dedicated co-location racks and rack space available across a range of partner data centre eco-structures and fabrics, Nexus can provide co-location for a range of requirements, from a hosted firewall at the edge of your WAN, or a bare metal server running a legacy application to a teleport co-location for satellite earth station services.

What are you looking for?

  • A quarter rack
  • Whole rack
  • Tower space

Whatever your needs, NEXUS is perfectly positioned to provide a custom co-location solution that can help you achieve your organisational objectives.

Host Your Equipment in a NEXUS Owned and Operated Facility

  • Sydney
  • Port Moresby
  • Lae in Papua New Guinea

NEXUS partners with organizations across Australia and Papua New Guinea, providing them with reliable facilities in which to host their mission-critical IT hardware. We’d be happy to talk with you about your co-location needs.

Co-location PARTNERS

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